I was originally planning on having a three part series with entries on Clinton, Obama, and McCain but Clinton dropping out of the race brought that to a stand still. So, I am going to have a two part series with McCain and Obama; well, the series is two part for now (hence why I have 'part 1' in the title). I do expect to have more to complain about with this two people in the near future and closer to the November deadline of the campaign.
It is hard for me to say that I am thinking of voting primarily Republican in November. I am used to being a true-blue democrat (against my own party-liners policy) and have some issues voting for a overall ticket of more than 25% republican. But, you know, that is how it is looking to be this year. That is, unless McCain keeps his downward run that he is on (I think it is to take in some conservatives). McCain has started to wallow in a few areas, most notably: Is it Alito or Roberts that you would appoint next - You want to drill where - Stop flirting with the base. There are several other reasons that I could consider ditching McCain over in the next few months, but, I will save those for future posts. John McCain: What Really Grinds my Gigantic Notched Wheels.
Is it Alito or Roberts that you would appoint next:
Recently McCain is on the record as saying Sam Alito and John Roberts are the type of judges that he would appoint to SCOTUS. I have a slight issue with this, as they are vastly different judges. While both are geniuses and great Constitutional Scholars (there is little doubt in either party about this), they are vastly different in their thought processes and decisions. Alito is right wing, believes that moderating from the bench is bad (yet he does it) and works the Constitution to what he want. Roberts, on the other hand, is more moderate (yet still right), believe that moderating from the bench is okay when needed (does not do it) and works his desire to what the Constitution says. Clearly, Roberts and Alito are vastly different, and I only want judges similar to one of them (Roberts) on the bench. So Johnny Boy, what is it, Roberts or Alito?
You Want To Drill Where:
Today (yes, today, I am up to date) John McCain said that he would plan on removing the ban on drilling off the coast of America. This is loosely related to my gas problem entry and the Glass City Jungle entry about China Drilling. McCain argues that we can help end our dependency on foreign oil simply by drilling in our pristine waters off the coast of this country. I, as do 33% of Americans, strongly disagree with this view. We should not risk our natural beauty and the ecosystems any more simply because we want to save some cash. I think that we should invest in alternative energies or go without a car before we destroy our oceans further.
Stop Flirting With Your Base:
McCain, we moderates and independents support you because you are bipartisan, break from you party, and are a good guy. STOP FLIRTING WITH THE BASE. You are destroying all of your bipartisan work by doing this. You Finance Bill, your Immigration bill, and your breaking from the party is why we love you. We are sick of partisan politics in Washington and want somebody who will not be partisan to be in the White House. So, what do you do? You take your gang of 14 credentials and toss them down the toilet to try and get the base. NEWS FLASH, the base is not going to vote Obama, court us moderates.
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Editor of http://whalertly.blogspot.com/

"I, as do 33% of Americans, strongly disagree with this view. We should not risk our natural beauty and the ecosystems any more simply because we want to save some cash. I think that we should invest in alternative energies or go without a car before we destroy our oceans further."
Time will tell agrab0ekim ... whether it's $4.50 a gallon, $5.00 a gallon or more. Environmentalism goes out the freakin' door when it comes to your life or wasteland we call the environment.
Who is this
We need to work on alternative fuels and other things before destroying the environment. REad my other gas entry
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