There will be some more changes going on around this site as I tweak more and more areas. Please feel free to comment specifically about those changes if you like/don't like them. Also, feel free to suggest other changes.
I will be updating this probably weekly (unless big news breaks). The current outlook for November shows Obama gaining ground in Ohio, New Hampshire, Virginia, and Nevada. Both Nevada and New Mexico are ties this week. For the record, I still do not see Obama getting Ohio.

Yes, I know, I am running behind on this story. The Dispatch came out with it on the 19th of June, Lisa at GCJ came out with it on the 20th and Rowsey came out with it on the 19th as well. Heck, The Dayton Daily News had it back in April. If you do not know what is going on or who John Freshwater is, and, for some reason, don't wish to read the links I just listed, here is a quick summery. Earlier this year, John refused to remove a bible from his desk. It was then discovered that he had burned crosses into his students arms and several other things were wrong with his teaching. Do remember, this man is a science teacher.
So, to catch up with the others on this story, one, which interests me because I am a strong supporter of the 1st Amendment and also as a scientist, I have decided to complain about Freshwater in my blog. This man is insane, and, of course, he has called on Coach Dave to help defend him. That alone shows how far this simple thing has gone. Really, I have four problems with this teach: He violated the 1st - Stop saying it is the bible that got you in trouble - He did not do his job - HE BURNED STUDENTS. Really, it is not just Freshwater but any educator who does not do there jobs that is the problem. John Freshwater: What Really Grinds my Gigantic Notched Wheels.
He Violated the 1st Amendment:
The Constitution is something that all Americans should hold near and dear to their hearts. It is how we have the freedoms that we are exceptionally proud of. Anytime that anybody violates part of the Constitution the American public should be up in arms, ready to fight. The problem is, we often support the violation of our own founding document. The 1st Amendment clearly says that Congress (via the 14th all levels of government) will not ban a religion or the practice thereof. By forcing your religion on kids (preaching about Christianity, Creationism, Burning the crosses, etc.) you are violating this amendment. It is high time that we show what happens when you violate an amendment, YOU SHOULD BE RUN OUT OF TOWN ON A RIAL.
Stop Saying it is the Bible that got you in Trouble:
I am sick of movies like Expelled going around saying that the Bible or the personal beliefs of the teachers got them in trouble. Fun fact: It is other things that they are/were doing. Here is the deal, you taught your kids Intelligent Design, Creationism, and that Evolution was wrong. You also attacked Gays and non-Christians. Then, you burned crosses (or Xs) into your students arms. But no, none of these got you fired, of course not; it was refusing to take the Bible off your desk that got you fired. This is one of the classic techniques used by people who violate the 1st, they claim that their rights were violated and that is all they focus on, hoping that you will too.
He did not do his job:
If I am ever hired as a science teacher on any level I have a specific job. I should teach to the curriculum, follow school rules, and teach the science that I am hired to teach. If I am hired to teach intelligent design Vs. Evolution then I can teach both; but, if I am simply hired to teach science as a basic subject I should only teach science. ID and Creationism are NOT SCIENCE. What is his job? TO TEACH SCIENCE. If your job is flipping burgers and you don't do it, they can fire you. Why is it an issue here then?
Need I explain why this bugs me? Teachers have the duty to make sure that their students are not harmed in any way. When a teacher disciplines a student physically it is grounds for removal, and frankly, they should lose their certificate. Teachers should never lay a hand on their students. Furthermore, when you chose to use a scientific instrument for a purpose it was never intended - a purpose that is both painful, illegal, and religious - and use it that way you should be in trouble. How is there an argument that Freshwater should stay; after all, HE BURNED HIS STUDENTS.
As always, please leave any comments, no matter how large or how small about the contents of this blog post. Also, please leave any comments/suggestions about this site/post as a whole.
Editor of http://whalertly.blogspot.com/

I personally believe in Creationism.
People will politely call it a theory.
Well guess what.
[i]So is Evolution.[/i]
Evolution is a theory. It is not a proven fact. And yet, it is taught like a fact everywhere. I myself, even when believing in Creationism, have a hard time recognizing Evolution as a theory, as the brain-washing is so thorough.
And more than a theory, Evolution is a way of thinking. A Philosophy. a religion. It teaches and supports a variety of ideals.
Um. Yeah. I had a really long bit explaining and backing up my stance, until I realized that I had some of it inaccurate, and I don't have the material to go and re-research.
Bugger. I had alot down, too.
Oh well. My main point was that Evolution is still only a theory an d should not be treated as fact.
Gah, I'm really angry now. :c
Not to say that this Freshwater guy shouldn't have his butt hauled off.
Evolution is a theory, yes, but a scientific one. Scientific theories are ones where the evidence fits 95% or more, but it is changable (hence not a fact) based on more evidence. Remember, gravity is a theory
The thing is, where is the evidence for creationism...
Also, evolution is far from a religion, explain to me how it is close to one
Well, atleast you admitted it was a theory. P:
But a theory is a theory. It should not be taught as fact.
There is little if no proof for creationism. God made it hard on us. :[
Also, while this by no way proves creationism, I feel the need to point this out; more for my benefit than yours. xP
Well, really, definitely for my benefit.
Scientists have fairly recently concluded that when the world came into existence, certain things were created in a certain order. It went: time, force, action, space, and matter.
"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth." Genesis 1:1
Did you catch it? I'll do it again.
"In the beginning(time) God(force) created(action) the Heavens(space) and the Earth(matter)." Genesis 1:1
It took scientists this long to figure out something that was already documented.
Um, I would be happy to explain to you why I believe evolution is like a religion, but... as I said, I don't have access to my original sources. >_< I'm working on it, though.
---------Well, atleast you admitted it was a theory. P:-------
Gravity is a theory, a theory in science is not the same as a theory in religion. Creationism is not the same type of theory as evolution, not by far
--------But a theory is a theory. It should not be taught as fact.-----
It is a fact, unless you are saying that Gravity is not a fact
--------Scientists have fairly recently concluded that when the world came into existence, certain things were created in a certain order. It went: time, force, action, space, and matter.-------
Source, I disagree with you statement
------In the beginning(time) God(force) created(action) the Heavens(space) and the Earth(matter)." Genesis 1:1-------
define beginning
------Um, I would be happy to explain to you why I believe evolution is like a religion, but... as I said, I don't have access to my original sources. >_< I'm working on it, though.------
Soon as you find them, i would be happy to analyze them
You write very well.
assuming this is not sarcasm, thank you
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