This is a project I did for one of my English classes (I think 577.02 is the number). Please check it out and let me know what you think
The New Yorker has an article dedicated to race harming Obama in KY. The black-agenda-report seems to think that all attacks on Obama are inherently racist. PJ Media wishes they can claim that KY, WV, and Indiana were due to issues, but they only see racism. The Washington Post sees racism harassing Obama's stumpers.
Every time the white vote goes to Clinton it seems that the news papers, the bloggers, and the Obama Camp claim Racism I have read hundreds of articles, blogs, and entries that say that Obama might have a race problem in winning this election. Even Michelle has jumped on the band wagon, calling the WV Clinton win due to racist whites. This has always interested me, as I do not quite get it. After all, 52% of democrats are voting for Obama, and I am sure that the other 48% are not all racist Yet, the Obama side keeps insisting that they are. I see three problems with this assumptions : They assume all race-being-an-issue voters are in Clinton 48% - They assume that people need racism to vote against Obama - They assume that racism is harming Obama, not helping him.
They assume that all race-being-an-issue voters are in the Clinton 48%:
This issue closely ties together with my third issue (racism actually helping Obama). The Obama camp uses recent exit polls to show that race was a big factor to certain people. Yes, 22% of the voters said it was. Now, that is all fine and dandy, but the Obama camp then uses that data to imply that those 22% need to be white and are voting for Clinton. So, 21% of all whites votes were based on race, and 65% of WV went for Clinton. Obama argues that Clinton should have had only 44% if race was not counted. The issue here is the fact that Obama misses that a fair bit of white people are voting for him out of guilt. As several articles have pointed out, had Obama been white, he would never have gotten to where he is. Furthermore, Obama is complaining about 21% of Whites voting based on RACE (not their race, but race as a whole) in WV yet ignores the fact that 33% of blacks voted based on race as well.
They assume that people need racism to vote against Obama:
After Pennsylvania went 55% to 45% Clinton over Obama the media pulled the racism card; they conviniently ignore Obama's recent comments about Pennsylvanian people being bitter and clingy. After the 65% Clinton victory in West Virginia the blogosphere decried racism; ignoring the fact that Michelle called the state racist and that the working class people have logical reasons of supporting Clinton over Obama and that they were scared of Wright. This is a perfect example of people who wear Rose-tinted glasses and chug away at the koolaid. Too many Obama fans seem to think that their candidate can not do badly, they can only see racism or uneducated as the reasons. Obamaites are unable to conceive of the fact that some people just do not like their candidate on policy positions and that is just sad.
They assume that racism harming Obama, not helping him:
My biggest problem with Obama fanatics who scream racism always point to white racism as the reason Obama is not doing well, they ignore whit racism that helps Obama and the clear Black racism that helps him as well. According to several articles, whites are behind Obama due to two things: white guilt, and the honor of voting for a black man. Both are racist, and both help Obama. Where is his camp screaming that these people shouldn't touch race? Oh, yeah, it helps him, so they are not going to say a word. What about the fact that 33% of blacks claim Race is a main factor AND 90% of blacks are voting Obama. If race was not a factor for the rest, clearly less would support Obama. Furthermore, if the current ratio is 52 to 48 percent, then the black vote should be about the same percentages. Clearly, the blacks are being racist here.
When it comes to pulling out the race card, I think that the politicians and black community pull it out way too often. Yes, some voter are voting against Obama because he is black. However, just as many, if not more, are voting FOR him because he is black. Put the race card back in your pocket, stop playing the victim, and start dishing out policies that will get us to vote for you.
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Editor of http://whalertly.blogspot.com/

I've seen this crap on leftist blogs.
Any vote by a white person NOT cast for Obama is somehow racist. Obama's handlers are simply going after the white vote AND the white guilt vote.
Strange how blacks can go on tv and other media and claim to be voting for Obama "because he's a brotha"...and nobody is calling them on their obvious racist decision!
I refuse to vote for a socialist regardless of color. Their platform sucks and has failed everywhere else it's been tried on the planet.
---I've seen this crap on leftist blogs.---
and, sadly, in the roughly moderate (take them all together) media
----Any vote by a white person NOT cast for Obama is somehow racist. Obama's handlers are simply going after the white vote AND the white guilt vote.
Strange how blacks can go on tv and other media and claim to be voting for Obama "because he's a brotha"...and nobody is calling them on their obvious racist decision!----
That was my point. Plus, he is only a half-brotha
--Their platform sucks and has failed everywhere else it's been tried on the planet.----
Canada is still strong
Racism angers me.
Not the because of bad feelings towards any ethinic groups, but because people use it as an excuse all the time.
"I don't really like so-n-so."
"I don't like your way of thinking."
In my opinion, it's not so much an issue of racism anymore, as it is an issue of reverse racism. But that's a different argument.
Well, yes, technically. I just say reverse racism, since it started with people complaining about racism.
For example. All these various ethinic minority groups are offered some pretty decent college fee rates.
They got this because they complained about how everything was unfair and not equal.
But now it's to the point where everyone else is getting benefits, except for the average-joe whites.
... I know I explained that horribly, but I'm too lazy to go revise it. >>
------Well, yes, technically. I just say reverse racism, since it started with people complaining about racism.----
Call it what it is, don't give them an out
---For example. All these various ethinic minority groups are offered some pretty decent college fee rates.----
Private companies, that is their right
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